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Road Signs to Know Before Driving in Italy

Buy Italian Drivers license online

Buy Italian Drivers license online.While there are many road signs that are recognizable to a driver, Italy does have a few unique road signs that are specific to the country. Make sure you know what to look out for to avoid accidents and fines. (And for the most comprehensive information.

ZTL (Limited Traffic Zone) Sign:

Italy is known for its ZTLs, which are areas where access is restricted or prohibited to certain vehicles. ZTL signs indicate the boundaries of these zones and typically display the words “Zona a Traffico Limitato” or “ZTL” along with the hours of operation and permitted vehicle categories. Violating the ZTL regulations can result in fines, so it’s essential to pay attention to these signs.

Zona Pedonale (Pedestrian Zone) Sign:

This sign indicates a pedestrian zone where vehicles are not allowed or have restricted access. It often features the words “Zona Pedonale” and may have additional instructions or time restrictions. These zones are typically found in city centers or areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

Tunnel and Viaduct Signs:

Italy has numerous tunnels and viaducts due to its mountainous terrain. Signs indicating the entrance and exit of tunnels or viaducts are marked with their respective names and sometimes display additional information such as length, height restrictions, or speed limits specific to the structure.

Autostrada (Highway) Signs:

Autostrade are Italy’s toll highways, and their signs are distinct and easily recognizable. Autostrada signs are typically green with white lettering and feature the letter “A” followed by the number of the highway. These signs help drivers identify the entrances, exits, and services available along the highways.

Strade Statali (State Roads) Signs:

Strade Statali signs indicate Italy’s national or state roads. Buy Italian Drivers license onlineThey are typically blue with white lettering and display the abbreviation “SS” followed by the road number. These signs are commonly seen on non-highway routes throughout the country.

Roundabout Signs:

Italy is full of roundabouts, but luckily they are good at telling drivers when one is coming up. Buy Italian Drivers license online There are several variations on the roundabout sign, but all feature a circle of 3 arrows indicating the counter-clockwise flow of traffic.Buy Italian Drivers license online

No Passing Signs:

Like other prohibition signs, a no passing sign also features a round, red border. This means exactly what you might expect—passing other cars is not allowed in these areas.

No Parking Signs:

Keep an eye out or be subject to steep fines. Anytime you see this blue and red sign, it means parking is prohibited.


It’s important to familiarize yourself with these unique road signs and understand their meanings to navigate Italy safely. However, this is just one piece to the puzzle of staying safe on the road. To learn all of the road signs, safety tips, and other driving etiquette, our comprehensive and interactive guides will have you driving safely and confidently as a foreigner abroad in Italy.

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