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Winter tyres 2024: Legislation for HGV in Europe

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Buy German drivers license.Winter has not really shown its face in most regions of Europe. But icy winter days are just ahead of us. After 1 November, winter tyre requirements will be in force in many countries. Especially transport companies in international traffic now have to deal with the winter tyre obligation and the winter regulations for HGVs. Here is an overview of everything important about winter tyres for trucks and general winter regulations for commercial vehicles in Europe.

“Real” winter tyres compared to M+S tyres

If you are going for example to Norway in winter, you should rather buy real winter tyres. These provide a much better grip on snow and black ice, as this test also shows. Disadvantage: If you drive with these winter tyres in warmer areas (above 6°C), you would have to change the tyres again. This is because the softer “real” winter tyres then wear out much faster and make the vehicle run much more unsteadily. All-season tyres, on the other hand, have much less rolling resistance and more mileage.

Observe additional winter regulations

In addition to tyres, truck drivers must also follow other instructions. The website of the tyre manufacturer Continental provides a very good overview of all winter regulations for trucks and buses in the individual European countries. Here you will also find information on compulsory snow chains, the obligation to carry snow shovels or studded tyres.

What regulations apply in Europe?

With the help of Continental’s comprehensive overview, we show here how other countries handle the winter tyre obligation.


With the help of Continental’s comprehensive overview, we show here how other countries handle the winter tyre obligation.Snow chains for the drive axle must be carried in the vehicle. Use according to traffic signs and road conditions.Studded tyres prohibited.


Winter tyres compulsory from 1 November to 15 April. Risk of driving ban and heavy fines if you do not comply (€35 up to €5,000). Vehicles > 3.5 t GVW must be equipped with tyres marked M+S and/or Alpine symbol (3PMSF) on at least one drive axle with a min. tread depth of 6 mm (bias) and 5 mm (radial). Winter tyres are compulsory for buses (categories M2, M3) from 1 November to 15 March.Snow chains must be carried in the vehicle for at least two drive axle tyres from November 1 to April 15. Exceptions for public service buses apply.


It is obligatory to use winter tyres for 4 months between December 1st and April 1st. Local governors decide whether to enforce winter tyres regulation and make necessary announcements according to average local temperatures. It is obligatory to fit winter tyres on drive axles of trucks, tractors and buses, and on all axles of light trucks, minibuses and cars. Any tyre to be replaced on the road has to be replaced with a winter tyre. Within the obligatory period, winter tyres should bear (M+S) symbol or snowflake symbol or both on the sidewall. The tread depth and pattern of retreaded tyres should comply with winter tyres even if they bear (M+S) symbol on the shoulder. .


No general winter tyre regulations, regional regulations are possible in wintery road conditions (e.g. alpine passes). In case of an accident with summer tyres in wintry conditions, be aware of liability issues. Only 3PMSF tyres are considered as suitable tyres for wintry conditions. Minimum tread depth for winter tyres 1.6 mm, 4 mm is the recommended tread depth.If authorities announce mandatory snow chains, only snow chains are permitted. Use of snow chains in case of respective road signs and conditions (four-wheel drive vehicles may be excluded).Studded tyres are allowed for vehicles < 7.5 t GVW between 1 November and 30 April on snow-covered roads. Max. speed 80 km/h. Studded tyres have to be labeled with a sticker 80 km/h


“Vehicles > 3.5 t GVW min. 5 mm tread depth compulsory between 1 November and including first Monday after Easter (South Norway) and between 16 October and including 30 April (North Norway). Mandatory use of winter tyres (3PMSF tyres on drive axle and front steer axle, M+S or 3PMSF tyres on all other axles) from 15 November to 31 March.It is mandatory for vehicles > 3.5 t GVW to carry snow chains in the period when it is legal to use studs. A truck with trailer must carry 7 chains.Studded tyres (average protrusion: 1.7 mm) allowed from 1 November to the first Sunday after Easter. In Nordland, Troms and Finnmark: from 16 October to 30 April. Trucks and trailers: studded tyres on the same axle. If twin-mounted, one tyre is sufficient.


All drive axles on trucks and buses need to be equipped with winter tyres (M+S suffices) during winter conditions (snow, ice, glazed frost).Snow chains only allowed on roads covered with snow and ice.Studded tyres prohibited.


In certain situations in winter conditions. Vehicles < 3.5 t GVW must be equipped with tyres marked with the Alpine-Symbol (3PMSF) from 1 January 2018 on all axle positions. Vehicles with > 3.5 t GVW must be fitted with tyres marked with the Alpine-Symbol (3PMSF) at the wheel positions of the permanently driven axles and front steering axles. In wintry conditions this is also valid for tyres produced as of 1 January 2018. M+S tyres produced before 1 January 2018 are accepted as suitable winter equipment until 30 September 2024.Use of snow chains when indicated by traffic signs. Studded tyres prohibited. Exception: Route via “Kleines Deutsches Eck.€60 fine for unsuitable tyres; €80 fine for causing obstruction/distur-bance of traffic due to unsuitable tyres; €100 fine for causing hazardous situation due to un suitable tyres; €120 fine for causing an accident due to un-suitable tyres. Plus 1 point in each case (Flensburg points system).

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